DESCRIPTION: mod_pgheader is an Apache 2.2 module that snips out body tags and inserts configurable per-directory headers/footers in their place. INSTALLATION: Use Apache 2.2's apxs to compile and install mod_pgheader, e.g. (replace the variable below with the location of your Apache2 installation) APACHE2=$HOME/apache2 $APACHE2/bin/apxs -i -a -c mod_pgheader.c (see USE: 1) Make sure is in your modules directory and the following line exists in your httpd.conf: LoadModule pgheader_module modules/ Normally apxs will have added this line and placed in the modules directory. 2) Enable use of mod_pgheader with this line in httpd.conf (it can also appear in a <Directory> section): # Add headers and footers on each page AddOutputFilter PGHEADER .html .htm To prevent recursion, header/footer files must then NOT have ".html" or ".htm" as extension. 3) In a directory section, add pgheader directives, for example: <Directory /home/apache2/htdocs> AddBodyHead /home/apache2/htdocs/_head_blank.mkp /home/apache2/htdocs/some_dir/* AddBodyFoot /home/apache2/htdocs/_foot_blank.mkp /home/apache2/htdocs/some_dir/* AddBodyHead /home/apache2/htdocs/_head.mkp /* AddBodyFoot /home/apache2/htdocs/_foot.mkp /* </Directory> The directives are matched longest path first. Once matched, no further matches are sought. Thus a "default" head/foot should be placed at the end of a group of head/foot directives. Header and footer files can have any extension (except the one to which they are to be applied, generally ".htm"). If you wish header/footers to be expanded for server-side includes, such as the current time or the last-modified time of the file being served, you should also add one of these lines to httpd.conf: either: AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .mkp or: AddType text/html .mkp DOWNLOAD: Download mod_pgheader